1917, 3 November – Batley News

Here is this week’s round-up of pieces from the Batley News relating to the parish of St Mary’s. As ever, the spelling and punctuation matches that of the newspaper.

There was one parish death in the Family Notices.


LODGE. —On the 30th ult., aged 20 months, Edmund, son of Herbert Lodge, 83, Peel St.

The Batley Tribunal met to consider over 150 cases. I have picked out the following as of St Mary’s relevance.

Edward Lynch (37), married (five children) foreman erector for Mr. Fred Firth, possessing protection card. —Temporary exemption for as long as he holds the card.

Two other cases involved the Judge brothers, though I believe these are more likely from Birstall St Patrick’s.

Joseph Judge (23), single, A, turner at Lawson, Douglas and Co.’s pulley works, Birstall. Domestic appeal —Refused.

Martin Judge (20), single, Ci, puttee weaver for Hall, Tankard and Co. —Temporary exemption to February 1st

Ci meant Martin Judge was deemed free from serious organic diseases, able to stand service in garrisons at home, and was able to march 5 miles, see to shoot with glasses, and hear well.

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