1914, 15 August – Batley News

In the second edition of the Batley News after the declaration of war, items with a St Mary of the Angels parish connection were sparse. These are exact transcripts of the two pieces, with spelling and punctuation retained. The only change I have made is to put in bold the name of a parishioner who served during the war. Also included is an advert from the paper to give and indication of life on the Home Front.

The first item, though headed ‘Football’, actually refers to what we know today as Rugby League.


Northern Union Executive have decided that no good purpose would be served by delaying the opening of the season, and so far is know at present a commencement will be made on September 5th.

Many footballers have answered the call and rejoined their regiments, amongst them being Brain, Moore, Sandham, and Boltman, four or the Hull Kingston Rovers best forwards.

“Bob” Randerson has volunteered for service with the Leeds University section of the Officers’ Training Corps, and Newsome, the reserve team captain, is with Heckmondwike Artillery.

Arthur Kitson has been appointed captain of the Batley football team.

Players have turned out for practice this week, and a trial game will be played to-morrow afternoon.

The only other news piece referred to the marriage of one of the St Mary’s school teachers, Nellie Ryan.

ROMAN CATHOLIC NUPTIALS AT CARLINGHOW. – Miss Nellie Ryan, for many years an esteemed teacher at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Day School, Cross Bank, was married in the adjoining church on Monday to Mr Tom Higgins, who is well known in Birstall. The wedding, though quiet, was exceptionally pretty. The bride looked charming in a dress of white satin and lace. She wore a cap and veil, and carried a bouquet of lilies and white heather. Her bridesmaids were Miss E. Power, who was attired in shell-pink satin, with black velvet picture hat, and Miss K. Adams (niece of the bridegroom), who wore a dress of white satin. The best man was Mr. J. Melvin (Birstall). Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Rev. P. McBride, and a reception was afterwards held at the home of the bride. Mr. And Mrs. Higgins were the recipients of many handsome presents, among them being a silver tea service from teachers and scholars of St Mary’s School.

One imagines Robert Randerson, the Batley Rugby League player referred to in the first piece, who was also a teacher at St Mary’s school, contributed towards the wedding gift.

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