1917, 25 August – Batley News

Here is this week’s round-up of pieces from the Batley News relating to the parish of St Mary’s. As usual I have put in bold the names of those connected to the parish who served with the military. And, as ever, the spelling and punctuation matches that of the newspaper.

John Thomas Tully was before the local magistrates this week:

At Batley Police Court this morning.

A discharged soldier, John Thomas Tully, of Woodwell Street, Batley, was fined 15s. for having been drunk and riotous.

Batley Tribunal met to deliberate on the latest batch of military service exemptions, amongst them a St Mary’s parishioner:

BATLEY TRIBUNAL Big List of Cases Dealt with To-day

Batley Tribunal had a long list of applications and reviews to deal with to-day. Councillor J. W. Turner presided, and there were also present Alderman D. Stubley, Alderman F. Priestley, Mr. T. S. Parr, the Clerk (Mr. J. H. Craik), and the Military Representative (Mr. D. H. Thornton)….

Richard Kelly (28), single, Cii, woollen mule spinner for Mr. Simon Cooper, 75 per cent whose output is for the Government. —Temporary exemption, January 1st.

Cii meant Richard Kelly was deemed free from serious organic diseases, able to stand service in garrisons at home, and was able to walk five miles, see and hear sufficiently for ordinary purposes

There was one parish death in the Family Notices section:


BRANNAN. —On 18th inst., aged 62 years, Catherine Brannan, 11, Cobden Street.

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