1917, 14 April – Batley News

This week’s round-up of pieces from the Batley News relating to the parish of St Mary’s is brief. As usual I have put in bold the names of those connected to the parish who served with the military. And, as ever, the spelling and punctuation matches that of the newspaper.

There were a couple of deaths where the Batley cemetery burials were officiated by a St Mary’s parish priest:

BURGOYNE. —On 9th inst., aged 74 years, Sarah Burgoyne, New Street.

HOPKINS. —On 4th inst., aged 18 months, John, son of James Hopkins, 3, Geldard Road.

The Roll of Honour compiled from War Office casualty lists this week contained the name of one parishioner, Francis Scott:

Batley. — Pte. F. SCOTT, K.O.Y.L.I.

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