1917, 10 November – Batley News

Here is this week’s round-up of pieces from the Batley News relating to the parish of St Mary’s. As usual I have put in bold the names of those connected to the parish who served with the military. And, as ever, the spelling and punctuation matches that of the newspaper.

One parishioners was in Batley Court on Monday. The relevant piece is as follows.

Michael Gavaghan, miner, Fleming Street, Batley, for being drunk and riotous in Upper Commercial Street on October 27th, was fined 10s. Constable Saycell said he first saw defendant in a drunken condition in a corridor at Batley Town Hall. Afterwards, in Upper Commercial Street, Gavaghan was shouting and using bad language. —One previous conviction was reported.

The newspaper also reported on a serious accident which befell a young parishioner:

Catherine Judge, aged 13, a piecener, of 34, Hume Street, Batley, met with an accident on the Feast Ground last Saturday. She was standing on the stage of a round-about among a number of other young folk when, as a result of jostling, she fell between the cars, which were in slow motion. She was run over, and the calf of her left leg severely injured, necessitating her removal to Batley and District Hospital, where she was attended by Drs. Keighley and Broughton. It was feared amputation of the leg would be necessary.

Catherine’s father Lawrence Judge had died from the effects of gas poisoning less than four months ago.

Finally for this week there was more Tribunal news.


Combing-out Process in Batley Mills.

Many Conditional Exemptions Reviewed.

In addition to the cases reported in last week’s “News,” Batley Tribunal, sitting under the chairmanship of Councillor J. W. Turner, J.P., gave their decisions in regard to applications for renewal of certificates to 87 employees of Messrs. J. T., and J. Taylor, chiefly of men engaged at Blakeridge Mills. At the instance of the Military Representative they also reviewed some forty conditional exemption certificates.

The applications for renewal from Messrs. J., T. and J. Taylor were presented by Mr. Hamilton Crothers, and the decisions were:—

Grace till January 1st….W. H. Skelly (28) married, Aii, scourer; ….

Temporary exemption, March 1st….J. J. Hooley (38), married, Bi, spinner….

Aii meant the man would be fit for active service overseas when trained. Bi meant free from serious organic diseases, able to stand service on Lines of Communication in France, or in garrisons in the tropic, and able to march 5 miles, see to shoot with glasses, and hear well.

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