1917, 20 January – Batley News

Here is this week’s round-up of pieces from the Batley News relating to the parish of St Mary’s. As usual I have put in bold the names of those connected to the parish who served with the military. And, as ever, the spelling and punctuation matches that of the newspaper.

Batley Working Men’s Club had their annual meeting on Tuesday evening, in which parishioner Michael O’Hara1 was mentioned.

Since the last annual meeting Private M. O’Hara had been killed in action, and the sympathy of the members went out to his family in their bereavement, as well as to those soldier members who had suffered and were suffering from wounds and sickness….

The Roll of Honour compiled from the latest War Office official lists had one very out of date parish casualty, Lawrence Carney, who died in September 1916.

Batley. —Pte. L. CARNEY, K.O.Y.L.I.

Finally for this week, one parish death featured in the Family Notices, as follows:

GAVAGHAN. —On the 16th inst., aged 55 years, James Gavaghan, 10, Ambler Street.

1. O’Hora on the St Mary’s War Memorial

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